Wisdom and Skillful Means Naropa 2005 mp4 & mp3

© 2012 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, produced 2017 LTR Heritage Foundation & Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Format: mp4 video & mp3 audio downloads (MP3 download link will be sent automatically upon checkout; MP4 link will be sent within 5 business days); Also available on DVD

Running Time: 1 hr 41 min

Recorded at Naropa University, Boulder, CO; September 9, 2005

Language: Rinpoche teaches in English

At Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado, Lama Tharchin Rinpoche gave the Wisdom and Skillful Means talk to a large group with diverse spiritual backgrounds. Rinpoche teaches about wisdom and skillful means on the path to enlightenment, especially about the wisdom aspect and Dzogchen Great Perfection as non-cultural, non-traditional, non-religious, and applicable to any belief system or spiritual practice. Rinpoche’s use of humorous stories and simple, direct instructions to point out the Buddha nature in each of us allow the beginner to easily grasp it, yet it is also made fresh for the advanced practitioner.

Sent to subscribers: July 2012

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