Zhi Lam Draybu Monlam by Jigme Lingpa DVDs

© 2011 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche; 2022 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Heritage Foundation & Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Available Formats: 6 DVDs; also available as 6 mp4 video & mp3 audio downloads

Recorded at Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington, November 4-6, 2011

Language: Tibetan with English Translation by Ngawang Zangpo


Lama Tharchin Rinpoche begins with the Friday Evening Public talk: Heart Advice like a Drop of Nectar for Practitioners: How to Engage in Dharma during Daily Life. 

Rinpoche then teaches the "Zhi Lam Draybu Monlam" (An Aspiration Prayer for the Ground, Path, and Fruition of Dzogchen) by Jigme Lingpa for four sessions.

This sublime prayer by the great 18th-century master Jigme Lingpa, an emanation of the Omniscient Longchenpa, represents the Men-ngak-dé (Special Instruction Section) essence of Dzogchen Great Perfection. The vast meaning of Dzogchen’s ground, path, and fruition are contained in these succinct and pithy words. Inconceivably vast and profound, Lama Tharchin Rinpoche says that even to make a connection with such a text carries the power of liberation through hearing.

Prayer PDF is available here from Lotsawa House.

Sent to Subscribers: August through December 2022 (available to the public July 2024)

Photo by Nick Vail and Nalanda West.

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