$ 58.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Format: 4 DVDs; Also available as m4v video & mp3 audio download
Related: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche reciting the Feasts on DVD or mp4 video & mp3 audio download.
Recorded at Pema Ösel Ling, Corralitos, CA; November 26-28, 2004 (Thanksgiving Retreat)
Language: Tibetan with English translation by Ngawang Zangpo
Tröma Nagmo practice contains the complete path of Dzogchen (the pinnacle of Buddhist teachings, according to the Nyingma). One of these practices is the Feasts of Chöd. Chöd, developed by the Tibetan Dakini Machig Labdrön, cuts through unwanted circumstances, afflictive emotions, and dualistic clinging. This practice was revealed by Machig Labdrön herself directly to Dudjom Lingpa in a vision. Chöd removes obstacles, both short-term in this life and those hindering our ultimate enlightenment. It carries incredible healing powers and its practice accumulates merit and wisdom in a vast and potent way. Merely making a connection to the practice will bring great short- and long-term benefit. Lama Tharchin Rinpoche teaches from “A Commentary on the Stages of Visualization for the Four Feasts of the Profound Practice of Chöd, called ‘An Ornament of the Great Mother’s Wisdom’” by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche. Lama Tharchin Rinpoche trained in the practices of Tröma Nakmo directly with Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, the incarnation of Dudjom Lingpa.
Also available: A CD of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche's vajra brother Lama Tsering Gyaltsen Rinpoche is also available through the Dharma Treasures bookstore (www.dharmatreasures.com).
Text: Tröma Nagmo Feasts of Chod & Commentary by Dudjom Rinpoche (Berotsana Publishing, 2017)
Sent to subscribers: February-May 2005
$ 44.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 4 mp4 video & mp3 audio downloads (links will be sent within 5 business days); Add a thumb drive if you... View full product details
$ 36.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 2 DVDs; Also available as mp4 video & mp3 audio Recorded at Rinpoche's residence, Fern Flat, CA; Nov 6, 2004 Dudjom... View full product details
$ 22.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 2 mp4 video & 5 mp3 audio downloads (links will be sent within 5 business days); add a thumb... View full product details