Shé-rik Dorje Nönpo Gyud Trekchod by Dudjom Lingpa 2013 mp3

© 2013 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

RESTRICTED to those who have completed Ngondro and received Trekchod teachings from Lama Tharchin Rinpoche or another qualified Dudjom lineage lama. PLEASE RESPECT RINPOCHE'S RESTRICTION AND PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THESE TEACHINGS. For an excellent explanation of why some texts and teachings are restricted, please view this video by Sangye Khandro.

Available formats: 22 mp3 audio files for download (please allow up to 5 business days to receive links by email); add a thumb drive if you would like the files mailed to you

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche's annual restricted Trekchöd Retreat, December 30, 2012-January 14, 2013, Pema Osel Ling

This collection also includes a short teaching on Dudjom Rinpoche’s "The Three-Fold Space (Namkha Sum Truk)," Teaching 21. You must specifically receive the transmission for that text and practice to have the teaching.

Texts: Shé-rik Dorje Nönpo Gyud can be found translated as “The Sharp Vajra of Conscious Awareness Tantra” in “Heart of the Great Perfection: Dudjom Lingpa’s Visions of the Great Perfection” by Dudjom Lingpa, translated by B. Alan Wallace; Wisdom Publications, 2016.

Pith Instructions from the Secret Cycle of the Great Perfection, The Ultimate, Very Profound Teaching on “The Three-Fold Space” by Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, Bero Jeydren Publications, 2006. Dudjom Sung Bum Vol. PA (13), pp. 567-578. You must receive permission and transmission for this text to view the teaching. Available through Dharma Treasures Bookstore, or you can find a digital copy of the text (in English only) here

Collections: Restricted Material

Type: Digital download

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