Shen Jye Ten Distinctions by Dudjom Lingpa Trekchod 2006

© 2006 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, 2022 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Heritage Foundation & Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Restricted to those who have completed Ngondro and have received Trekchöd teachings from a qualified Dudjom lineage master. It is also best to receive the reading transmission (rlung) for the text. For an excellent explanation of why some texts and teachings are restricted, please view this video by Sangye Khandro.

Recorded at Pema Ösel Ling, April 8-16, 2006 (Annual Restricted Trekchod Retreat)

Language: Rinpoche teaches in English and Tibetan with English interpretation by Ngawang Zangpo (he is not present for all sessions)

Available formats: 15 mp4 video and 15 mp3 audio (files will be emailed to you within 5 business days); add a thumb drive if you would like the files mailed to you

“We’ve had Trekchöd teachings for some years, but this year, in particular, I thought it would be beneficial for our sangha to study and practice according to the precise pointing-out instructions of Dudjom Lingpa from his mind treasure, the “Nay-Luk Rang-Jyung (The Self-Manifest Abiding Nature).” This is a long Tantra that arose from his pure vision (dak-nang) during which he had a series of encounters with inconceivable numbers of Buddhas. In particular, we will study the Shen-Jyé section of the “Nay Luk Rang Jyung.” which has to do with discerning the differences between one thing and another in our meditation practice, things that are easily confused, thus removing all our doubt. In this way, we are sure to develop a correct understanding of Dzogchen Great Perfection and gain the ultimate result of Dzogchen Great Perfection practice.” – Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Text: The Ten Distinctions (Shen Jye), an excerpt from Dudjom Lingpa's Nay Luk Rang Jung (gnas lugs rang byung)

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