$ 75.00
Please receive the empowerment and reading transmission from a qualified Dudjom lineage lama for this sadhana before practicing outside lineage-authorized group practice.
© 2003-2004 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Format: 10 mp4 & 10 mp3 files for download (links will be sent within 5 business days); Add a thumb drive if you want the files to be mailed to you. Also available on 10 DVDs
Recorded at Rinpoche’s residence, Fern Flat, Aptos, California; 2003-2004
Language: Rinpoche teaches in English
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche gives a detailed explanation of the Dakini Heart Essence (Khandro Tuk-Tik), a mind treasure of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche. This series explains the sadhana practice word-for-word and provides instruction for shrine set-up, ritual music, chöpön (shrine attendant) activities, and other ritual aspects. Rinpoche performs the entire sadhana on tape (available separately), ensuring that any practitioner who wishes to do this practice receives complete instruction on every facet. Even if you never intend to do in-depth retreat practice, there is a wealth of knowledge in Rinpoche’s explanations that will enrich your understanding of sadhana practice on many levels. Have you ever wondered about the significance of a torma, for example? This series is an excellent opportunity to receive answers to questions such as this, that apply to sadhana practice in general.
Related: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche performs the sadhana & tsok in digital format
Text: Bero Jeydren Publications or Jnanasukha
Sent to subscribers: September 2003-June 2004
$ 58.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 4 DVDs; Also available as m4v video & mp3 audio download Related: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche reciting the Feasts on DVD or... View full product details
$ 44.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 4 mp4 video & mp3 audio downloads (links will be sent within 5 business days); Add a thumb drive if you... View full product details
$ 36.00
© 2004-2005 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Format: 2 DVDs; Also available as mp4 video & mp3 audio Recorded at Rinpoche's residence, Fern Flat, CA; Nov 6, 2004 Dudjom... View full product details